Sub title:
Associated professor
Head of Department
Research groups:
Bioenergy and Bioconversion Processes
+9821 56276636
Vertical Tabs
Courses Taught:
-Modern subjects in cellular and molecular biology (Ph.D students)
-Cellular and molecular processes in eukaryotes (Ph.D students)
-Metabolic Engineering (Ph.D students)
-Cellular and Molecular Biology of Cancer (Ph.D students)
-Medicinal Chemistry for Master students (Ph.D students)
-Advanced Research Methodology (Ph.D students)
-Macromolecules Structure and Function (Master students)
-Tissue & cell culture (Bsc students)
-Animal biotechnology (Bsc students)
-Biochemistery for (Bsc students)
-Biochemistry of Hormone (Bsc students)
-Biochemistry of Carbohydrates and Lipides (Bsc students)
Workshops and Teaching Experience:
Teaching experience:
Courses Taught:
-Modern subjects in cellular and molecular biology (Ph.D students)
-Cellular and molecular processes in eukaryotes (Ph.D students)
-Metabolic Engineering (Ph.D students)
-Cellular and Molecular Biology of Cancer (Ph.D students)
-Medicinal Chemistry for Master students (Ph.D students)
-Advanced Research Methodology (Ph.D students)
-Macromolecules Structure and Function (Master students)
-Tissue & cell culture (Bsc students)
-Animal biotechnology (Bsc students)
-Biochemistery for (Bsc students)
-Biochemistry of Hormone (Bsc students)
-Biochemistry of Carbohydrates and Lipides (Bsc students)
Research Experience:
Research Experiences
Previous Projects:
Involving in 65 project as co-investigator
Principal investigator in (Some projects are included):
- Evaluation of complexes of 2-hydroxyacetophenone semicarbazones as novel series of superoxide dismutase mimetics
- Synthesis and evaluation of in vitro anticancer activity of quinazoline derivatives
- In-vitro anti-cancer and apoptosis inducing activity of some synthetic compounds on several human cancer cell lines
- Design, synthesis and evaluation of anti-cancer activity of novel benzo[7,8]chromeno [2,3-d]pyrimidin as tyrosin kinase inhibitors.
- Evaluation of anticancer and antioxidant activities of marine microalgae from Iran
- Extraction, Characterization and Biological Activity Evaluation of Exo-polysaccharides From Isolated Strains of Persian Gulf Chlorophyta.
- Neuroprotective compounds from marine origine.
- Anticancer and antioxidant activities of green microalgae of Persian Gulf on breast cancer cell lines.
Current Projects:
Involving in 15 project as co-investigator
Principal investigator in:
- Evaluation of anticancer properties and tyrosine kinase inhibitory activity of polycyclic aromatic heterocycles
- Extraction and investigation of photoprotective and cytoprotective effects of phytosterols from green pistachio brain and skin
- In vitro anticancer and antioxidant activity of essential oil and extract of from ipomoea leaves against human cancer cell lines and their molecular mechanism.
- Design and Synthesis of Mesoporous Nano Silica Vehicle for siRNA delivery against EGFR1 in a Human Breast Cancer cell line.
- Hazard assessment and cytotoxicity of nanomaterials
Honors and Awards:
- Several Internatiinal and Natinal grants (Italy TWAS, Germany,…)
- Distingushed Researcher in IROST (2015)
- PhD in Tehran University Second Grade: Thesis score: 20/20 (2013-PhD)
- FIRST Grade in ranking- Tabriz University (2004 – Msc)
- FIRST Grade in ranking -Guilan University (2001- Bsc)
Professional Experiences and Skills:
- PhD thesis title: Evaluation of synergistic cytotoxic activity of flavanon derivatives with Toll like receptor 3 agonist on three cancer cell line.
- Msc thesis title: Relationship between microalbuminuria and extension of coronary atherosclerotic lesions.
- Evaluation of engineered nanomatherials.
- Study on microalgae and natural resources for bioactive compounds.
- Evaluation of anti-cancer activity and cell death mechanism of synthetic and natural compounds (MTT test, Flow cytometry, Fluorescence microscope method, Enzym assay, western blotting, confocal microscopy…).
- Synthesis nanoparticls for gene delivery
- Experience in Cytogenetics for two (2) years. (Including: karyotype and chromosome analysis by method G-banding.)
Professional Research Experience:
- PhD thesis title: Evaluation of synergistic cytotoxic activity of flavanon derivatives with Toll like receptor 3 agonist on three cancer cell line.
- Msc thesis title: Relationship between microalbuminuria and extension of coronary atherosclerotic lesions.
- Evaluation of engineered nanomatherials.
- Study on microalgae and natural resources for bioactive compounds.
- Evaluation of anti-cancer activity and cell death mechanism of synthetic and natural compounds (MTT test, Flow cytometry, Fluorescence microscope method, Enzym assay, western blotting,…).
- Synthesis nanoparticls for gene delivery
- Experience in Cytogenetics for two (2) years. (Including: karyotype and chromosome analysis by method G-banding.)
Executive Experience:
- Deputy of Biotechnology Department, Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (2018-present)
- Manager of Refference Lab of Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (2017-2018)
- Associate professor in Department of Biotechnology, Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran (2019-present)
- Assistant professor in Department of Biotechnology, Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran (2013-2019)
- Researcher and Postdoct in Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences (2006-2008; 2013).