Sub title: Assistant professorResearch groups: Environmental and Industrial BiotechnologyE-Mail: mvaez@irost.irvaez_m@yahoo.comTel: +98(021)57416807Fax: +98(021)57416804Vertical Tabs PublicationsPublicationsJournal PapersJournal Papers: Clone of Isolation and molecular identification of the carotenoid producing yeasts in the exudation sap from birch trees (Betula pendula Roth.) at Marmisho region of Northwest Iran.Clone of A comparison between molecular and morphological methods in evaluation of vesicular-arbuscularmycorrhizal fungi colonization with Crocus sativus L.Clone of Screening of Bacteria Producing Acid-stable and Thermostable Endo-1, 4-β-Glucanase from Hot Springs in the North and Northwest of Iran. C.V.MVaez_CV(en)_Jan2025.pdf