Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy
Nannochloropsissalina(N.salina)hasrecentlyreceivedgrowinginterestsasasustainable sourceof high-valuebioproducts.Asthe illuminationcondition could bemanipulatedto affect the microalgae activities in indoor cultivation, in this study, kinetic models were developed to describe the growth and bioproduct formation in N. salina under different illumination conditions. Being continuously exposed to white (380–760 nm), blue (430 nm), red (680 nm), and mixed blue/red light, the growth of N. salina was assessed overthecourseof12 daysincubationandtheevolvingcelldensities,lipid,andcarbohydrate concentrations were recorded. Kinetic models were then used to fit the experimental results and describe microalgae behaviors with respect to illumination conditions.Thehighestgrowthrateswererecordedwhenthemicroalgaewereexposed totheblue/redlight,leadingto0.8g/Lstandingdrybiomass.Also,althoughlipidandcarbohydrate productions were stimulated under other illumination conditions, the advancedbiomassproductionachievedbyblue/redlightresultedinthehighestlipidand carbohydrate productions. As confirmed by the kinetic models, the results obtained in this study revealed that the light absorbed by the photosynthetic pigments of N. salina could be manipulated to not only control the microalgae growth, but also its biological activities, including carbohydrate and lipid productions. Therefore, a two-stage process wouldberecommendedforlipidandcarbohydrateproductionbyN.salina.